Why do my thoughts bubble up and just survive?
how can I electrify them,
make them flutter and tremble
at the edge of uncertainty and chaos
I need a shock from my comfortable
and all too comforting existence.
Where are the nights where my tears were a stream of rain droplets
racing down the window of a traveling car,
making the critical flux or being the result of it
you’ll never know, these days, with the arrow of time.
Are you afraid you are getting mutilated
by the sweet complacency of Netflix
and the artificial smugness and the recurrent vacillation
pervading every corner of your spirit like a mist?
Are you afraid of losing your ability to connect,
not being able to speak the truth?
You know…everyone’s truth is gleaming at the edge of your lips
But, who are you offering your muc to?
The gods are long gone and your seeds are waiting in a foggy horizon.
You should write it down>
I should not let my vibrating self drown,
I should not let my vibrating self drown,
I should not let my vibrating self drown.